Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Where have you been?

Consider running into a friend you haven't seen for years and trying to catch up on all the life that you've missed with each other in a few brief sentences. Pretty much impossible, but that's what this blog post feels like. Where have I been for the past six years or so? The easy answer is  that I've been doing normal life things like everyone else. The detailed answer would take a little more time. These are the highlights.

• One daughter joined the Air Force and became active in the scouting program
• One daughter completed Bible college, became a second degree black belt and will soon be traveling to Korea, and began college for speech therapy
• Son graduated from both high school and Bible college (Colorado), became a first degree black belt and will also be traveling to Korea, and relocated to Florida
• One daughter completed high school and started college (theatre and business)
• We bought a house and moved 
• Hubby started a job he loves working for Tractor Supply (his dream company to work for)
• I started a face painting/air brushing business
• I taught Math, Algebra, and Statistics (and Pre-Calc temporarily) at a Valeo Academy for two years

There are probably other things that happened along the way, but those are the main ones which come to mind. I didn't finish any books, but I did a fair amount of art and writing, primarily turned in the direction of children's ministry or making math, algebra, and statistics humorous and fun to learn. I'm not sure I achieved the fun to learn part, but I tried. Cartoons and crazy problems can't hurt. Some of my favorite memories from the past years involve my time at Valeo teaching math. I think I missed my calling, but there are so many things I love to do that it's really hard to choose which to devote my time to. 

Anyway, that sums it up a little. So how are things with you?

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