Still more holiday secret projects which I cannot post in the works,
so in the mean time, I'll post some of the images from our art class projects.
We've been taking a lot of class ideas from Carla Sonheim's 'Drawing Lab' lately. For this project we enlarged quick marker sketches 250 percentand then used doodles of complementary colors to fill the shapes. (Also we used metallic markers. Kids LOVE metallic markers.) |
One student working on her Picasso dog/cat
(also from Carla Sonheim's 'Drawing Lab'). |
This was my Picasso dog. It ended up looking more like
a Picasso pig, but I was okay with that. |
My eldest daughter after two rigorous art class sessions.
We had to administer doses of chocolate to revive her. |
This class is almost entirely boys.
It makes for an interesting afternoon. |
The later class has been making linocuts.
We're going to print this week. |
This will be our project for the first group this week, partially courtesy of Carla Sonheim. (Her idea was to do a picture in the style of Dr. Seuss.) I like the idea of turning art into toys with moving parts, so I decided we could make it into a three dimensional pop-up scene with three layers of play potential. We'll see how it goes when they try it out on Friday. |
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